OLText Class Reference

A immutable piece of text. More...

#import <ObjectiveLib/Text.h>

Inheritance diagram for OLText:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(olchar- at:
 Return the character at index.
(uint8_t *) - bytesWithEncoding:returnedCount:
 Return the text encoded with the given encoding.
(int) - compare:
 Compare this object to another.
(id) - copyWithZone:
 Return a copy of this object.
(const char *) - cString
 Return a "C string".
(BOOL) - empty
 Return whether this text is empty.
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
 Encode the text.
(unsigned) - findChar:fromOffset:
 Find a character.
(unsigned) - findFirstNotOf:fromOffset:
 Find a character not in a set.
(unsigned) - findFirstOf:fromOffset:
 Find a character of a set.
(unsigned) - findLastNotOf:fromOffset:
 Find a character not in a set.
(unsigned) - findLastOf:fromOffset:
 Find a character of a set.
(unsigned) - findText:fromOffset:
 Find a subsequence.
(void) - getCharacters:fromOffset:count:
 Extract a range of characters.
(unsigned) - hash
 Return a hash code.
(BOOL) - isEqual:
 Return whether this text object is equal to another one.
(unsigned) - length
 Return the length of the text.
(unsigned) - maxSize
 Return the maximum size of a text object.
(uint8_t *) - nullTerminatedBytesWithEncoding:
 Return the text encoded with the given encoding.
(unsigned) - rfindChar:fromOffset:
 Find a character.
(unsigned) - size
 Return the size of the text.
(OLText *) - substrFromOffset:count:
 Extract a subsequence.
(NSString *) - toNSString
 Convert this text object to an instance of NSString.
(void) - writeSelfToStream:
 Write this object to a stream.
Initializers and Deallocators
(void) - dealloc
 Reduce the reference count to the text by one and deallocate the memory if the reference count becomes zero.
(id) - init
 Initialize a new text object.
(id) - initWithBytes:count:encoding:
 Initialize a new text object.
(id) - initWithChars:count:
 Initialize a new text object.
(id) - initWithCoder:
 Initialize the text object.
(id) - initWithCString:
 Initialize the text object.
(id) - initWithNSString:
(id) - initWithObjectInStream:
 Initialize the text object.
(id) - initWithText:
 Initialize the text object.
(id) - initWithText:offset:count:
 Initialize the text object.

Static Public Member Functions

(void) + initialize
 Initialize the class.
(id) + textWithBytes:count:encoding:
 Create and return a new text object.
(id) + textWithCString:
 Create and return a new text object.
(id) + textWithNSString:
 Create and return a new text object.
(id) + textWithText:
 Create and return a new text object.

Protected Attributes

_OLTextReference * reference
 The opaque structure that holds the data.

Detailed Description

A immutable piece of text.

Text stored in an instance of OLText can be queried, searched, converted to other encodings and subsequences can be extracted, but the text itself cannot be changed. In order to mutate a piece of text an instance of the class OLTextBuffer must be used, and then an immutable OLText object can be derived.

OLText objects maintain their data by reference counting. Therefore, copying a piece of text is a very inexpensive operation, as the reference count is simply incremented.

See also:

Member Function Documentation

- (olchar) at: (unsigned)  index  

Return the character at index.

If index is out of the range controlled by this object, the result will be undefined.
index the index of the character to return
the character at index

- (uint8_t*) bytesWithEncoding: (const char *)  enc
returnedCount: (unsigned *)  rc 

Return the text encoded with the given encoding.

The length of the returned array will be placed in rc.

The returned array must be freed with objc_free.
NSInvalidArgumentException if the given encoding is not supported
enc the encoding with which to encode the text
rc the length of the returned array
an array of encoded text

- (int) compare: (id)  other  

Compare this object to another.

OLText objects can be compared to other OLText objects, to NSString objects under OpenStep and to OLConstantString objects if OpenStep is not present. The two objects, if compatible, will be compared lexicographically.

other the object to which to compare this one
a value greater than, equal to, or less than zero accoringly as this object is greater than, equal to, or less than other

- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *)  zone  

Return a copy of this object.

A new object is returned that refers to the same text as this object. The reference count is merely incremented. The new object will be allocated from zone.

zone the zone from which to allocate new memory
a copy of this object

- (const char*) cString  

Return a "C string".

The returned array is an array of bytes encoded with the default encoding for the platform. This encoding should be set with a previous call to setlocale. The returned array should not be freed by the caller.

an array encoded with the default encoding

- (void) dealloc  

Reduce the reference count to the text by one and deallocate the memory if the reference count becomes zero.

- (BOOL) empty  

Return whether this text is empty.

YES if the text is empty, NO otherwise

- (void) encodeWithCoder: (NSCoder *)  encoder  

Encode the text.

This should not be confused with the notion of "encoding" the text in the sense of a "text encoding". Encoding in this context refers to the act of saving the text to an archive. The text is saved to an archive using encoder. The test can be retrieved from the archive using the initializer initWithCoder:.

encoder the coder which will save the text to the archive

- (unsigned) findChar: (olchar ch
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a character.

The character is searched for from the given offset.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
ch the character for which to search
offset the offset from which to start
the index of the character or UINT_MAX if the character cannot be found

- (unsigned) findFirstNotOf: (OLText *)  text
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a character not in a set.

The characters of this text object are searched until one is found that is not contained in the given set, text.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
text the set of characters against which to compare
offset the starting offset in this text object of the search
the index of the first character not in text or UINT_MAX if all characters of text are contained in this text object

- (unsigned) findFirstOf: (OLText *)  text
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a character of a set.

The characters of this text object are searched until one is found that is contained in the given set, text.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
text the set of characters against which to compare
offset the starting offset in this text object of the search
the index of the first character in text or UINT_MAX if no characters of text are contained in this text object

- (unsigned) findLastNotOf: (OLText *)  text
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a character not in a set.

The characters of this text object are searched until one is found that is not contained in the given set, text. The search begins at offset and proceeds backwards, towards the beginning of this text object.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
text the set of characters against which to compare
offset the starting offset in this text object of the search
the index of the last character not in text or UINT_MAX if all characters of text are contained in this text object

- (unsigned) findLastOf: (OLText *)  text
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a character of a set.

The characters of this text object are searched until one is found that is contained in the given set, text. The search begins at offset and proceeds backwards, towards the beginning of this text object.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
text the set of characters against which to compare
offset the starting offset in this text object of the search
the index of the last character in text or UINT_MAX if no characters of text are contained in this text object

- (unsigned) findText: (OLText *)  text
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a subsequence.

This text object is searched until the subsequence represented by text is found.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
text the subsequence for which to search
offset the starting offset in this text object of the search
the beginning index of the subsequence or UINT_MAX if the subsequence cannot be found

- (void) getCharacters: (olchar *)  buffer
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset
count: (unsigned)  num 

Extract a range of characters.

A range of characters from this text object is copied to a buffer.

No range checking is performed on the validity of the arguments passed.
buffer the destination buffer
offset the starting offset
num the number of characters to copy

- (unsigned) hash  

Return a hash code.

The hash code for this text object is computed using OLHash.

the hash code

- (id) init  

Initialize a new text object.

The text is empty.

a reference to this text

+ (void) initialize  

Initialize the class.

This for the runtime system to call. Please don't call this method.

- (id) initWithBytes: (const uint8_t *)  bytes
count: (unsigned)  num
encoding: (const char *)  enc 

Initialize a new text object.

The bytes given will be converted from the encoding enc to UTF-16.

NSInvalidArgumentException if the given encoding is not supported
bytes the bytes containing the text encoded with the given encoding
num the number of bytes
enc the encoding used for the data in bytes
a reference to this text object

- (id) initWithChars: (const olchar *)  chs
count: (unsigned)  num 

Initialize a new text object.

The new object will contain the characters pointed to by the parameter chs.

chs the characters to copy into the new text object
num the number of characters
a reference to this text object

- (id) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *)  decoder  

Initialize the text object.

Creates a new text object from an archive and returns it.

The text returned will be identical to the text saved to the archive using the encodeWithCoder: message.
decoder the coder which will decode the archived text
a reference to this text object

- (id) initWithCString: (const char *)  chs  

Initialize the text object.

The text in chs is assumed to be in the default encoding for the platform. This locale is assumed to have been set by a previous call to setlocale. The "C string" chs should be null-terminated.

chs the characters to encode with UTF-16 and store
a reference to this text object

- (id) initWithObjectInStream: (OLObjectInStream *)  stream  

Initialize the text object.

Creates a new text object from an object input stream.

The text returned will be identical to the text saved to the stream using the writeSelfToStream: message.
stream the input stream from which to read the text
a reference to this text object

Reimplemented from < OLStreamable >.

- (id) initWithText: (OLText *)  text  

Initialize the text object.

The given text object text is copied, meaning that the reference count to its data is incremented.

text the text to copy
a reference to this text object

- (id) initWithText: (OLText *)  text
offset: (unsigned)  roff
count: (unsigned)  num 

Initialize the text object.

A span of num characters is copied from the given text object text starting at roff.

The boundaries of the text object from which to copy are not checked, meaning that if any character designated to be copied is not actually controlled by the give text object, the results will be undefined.
text the text object from which to copy characters
roff the beginning offset from which to copy
num the number of characters to copy
a reference to this text object

- (BOOL) isEqual: (id)  object  

Return whether this text object is equal to another one.

This message returns YES if compare: returns zero.

object the object to test
YES if object is equal to this text object

- (unsigned) length  

Return the length of the text.

This is message returns the same value as size.

the length

- (unsigned) maxSize  

Return the maximum size of a text object.

the maximum size

- (uint8_t*) nullTerminatedBytesWithEncoding: (const char *)  enc  

Return the text encoded with the given encoding.

The resulting array will be null-terminated.

The returned array must be freed with objc_free.
NSInvalidArgumentException if the given encoding is not supported
enc the encoding with which to encode the text
an array of encoded text

- (unsigned) rfindChar: (olchar ch
fromOffset: (unsigned)  offset 

Find a character.

The character is searched for from the given offset backwards, towards the beginning of this text object.

The starting offset is not checked to make sure it is within the bounds of the text.
ch the character for which to search
offset the offset from which to start
the last index of the character or UINT_MAX if the character cannot be found

- (unsigned) size  

Return the size of the text.

This is message returns the same value as length.

the size

- (OLText*) substrFromOffset: (unsigned)  offset
count: (unsigned)  num 

Extract a subsequence.

A new text object is created from the indicated subsequence of this one.

If OpenStep is present the returned object will be autoreleased before being returned. Additionally, no range checking is performed on the validity of the arguments passed.
offset the offset from which to start the new object
num the number of characters in the new object
a new text object that contains the indicated subsequence

+ (id) textWithBytes: (const uint8_t *)  bytes
count: (unsigned)  num
encoding: (const char *)  enc 

Create and return a new text object.

The text is encoded from the given encoding enc to the internal encoding used by all text objects of UTF-16.

If OpenStep is present the returned object will be autoreleased before being returned.
NSInvalidArgumentException if the given encoding is not supported
bytes the bytes containing the text encoded with the given encoding
num the number of bytes
enc the encoding used for the data in bytes
a reference to the new text object

+ (id) textWithCString: (const char *)  chs  

Create and return a new text object.

The text in chs is assumed to be in the default encoding for the platform. This locale is assumed to have been set by a previous call to setlocale. The "C string" chs should be null-terminated.

If OpenStep is present the returned object will be autoreleased before being returned.
chs the characters to encode with UTF-16 and store
a reference to the new text object

+ (id) textWithNSString: (NSString *)  str  

Create and return a new text object.

The text is copied from the NSString object. The returned text will be autoreleased before being returned.

str the NSString to copy
a reference to the new text object

+ (id) textWithText: (OLText *)  text  

Create and return a new text object.

The given text object text is copied, meaning that the reference count to its data is incremented.

If OpenStep is present the returned object will be autoreleased before being returned.
text the text to copy
a reference to the new text object

- (NSString*) toNSString  

Convert this text object to an instance of NSString.

The returned NSString is autoreleased for being returned.

a NSString that contains the text of this object

- (void) writeSelfToStream: (OLObjectOutStream *)  stream  

Write this object to a stream.

The text is written in a platform-neutral way and may be recovered with the initializer initWithObjectInStream:.

OLInputOutputException if there is an error writing to the stream
stream the stream to which to write

Reimplemented from < OLStreamable >.

Member Data Documentation

- (struct _OLTextReference*) reference [protected]

The opaque structure that holds the data.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
ObjectiveLibGenerated Sun Apr 22 15:13:53 2007, © 2004-2007 Will Mason
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