ObjectiveLib Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
NSNumber(OLArithmetic)A category for implementing the OLArithmetic protocol using the NSNumber class from the Cocoa Foundation library
OLAlgorithmA class to provide generic algorithms for use with many different types of containers
< OLArithmetic >A protocol for performing simple arithmetic with arbitrary objects
OLArrayIteratorAn iterator that can traverse arrays of objects
OLAssociativeIteratorAn iterator for traversing associative containers like sets and maps
< OLBackInserter >A type of object that supports inserting objects at the back of the controlled sequence
OLBackInsertIteratorAn iterator that can be used to insert items into a container
OLBidirectionalIteratorAn iterator that can traverse a collection both forwards and backwards
< OLBinaryFunction >A protocol defining the message for performing the operation of a binary function object
OLBinaryNegateA binary function object that negates the action of another binary function object
OLBindableSocketA socket that can be bound to a local address
OLBinder1stTransform a binary function object into a unary function object
OLBinder2ndTransform a binary function object into a unary function object
OLBitIteratorAn iterator that can traverse an array of bits
OLBitIteratorBaseA data structure used by OLBitIterator
OLBitSetA set of bits
< OLBoolBinaryFunction >A protocol defining the message for performing the operation of a binary function object
OLBoolBinder1stTransform a binary function object into a unary function object
OLBoolBinder2ndTransform a binary function object into a unary function object
< OLBoolUnaryFunction >A protocol defining the message for performing the operation of a unary function object
OLBoolVectorA type of vector that is optimized to store an array of bits
OLBufferingInStreamA layered in stream that filters its data through a buffer
OLBufferingOutStreamA layered out stream that filters its data through a buffer
OLBzlibInStreamA stream for bzlib decompression
OLBzlibOutStreamA stream for bzlib compression
OLClientSocketA socket that can initiate a connection with a server
OLConnectedInStreamAn in stream that is connected to something outside of ObjectiveLib
OLConnectedOutStreamAn out stream that is connected to something outside of ObjectiveLib
OLDataInStreamAn in stream that is connected to a memory buffer
OLDataOutStreamAn out stream connected to a memory buffer
OLDequeA double-ended queue
OLDequeIteratorAn iterator that knows about double-ended queues
OLDividesA function object for performing division
OLEqualToA function object for assessing equality
OLFileInStreamA connected stream that reads its data from a file
OLFileOutStreamA connected stream that sends its data to a file
OLForwardIteratorAn iterator that can go forward one step at a time
< OLFrontInserter >A type of object that supports inserting objects at the front of the controlled sequence
OLFrontInsertIteratorAn iterator that can be used to insert items into a container
OLFunctorA base class for function objects
OLGreaterA function object for comparing objects
OLGreaterEqualA function object for comparing objects
OLGzipInStreamA stream for zlib decompression that reads data in gzip format
OLGzipOutStreamA stream for zlib compression that writes data in the gzip format
OLHashIteratorAn iterator that knows about hash tables
OLHashMapA map based on a hash table
OLHashMultiMapA hash map that allows many values to be associated with equivilant keys
OLHashMultiSetA hash set that allows multiple instances of objects
OLHashSetA hash table based set
< OLInserter >A type of object that can insert values at a certain position in the controlled sequence
OLInsertIteratorAn iterator that can be used to insert items into a container
OLInStreamBase class for reading data
OLInternet4AddressAn internet address for protocol version 4
OLInternet6AddressAn internet address for protocol version 6
OLInternetAddressAn address in the Internet family of addresses
OLInternetClientSocketA client socket that communicates via the Internet
OLInternetServerSocketA server socket that communicates via the Internet
OLIteratorAn abstract base class for iterators
OLLayeredInStreamAn in stream that is layered over another in stream
OLLayeredOutStreamAn out stream that is layered over another out stream
OLLessA function object for comparing objects
OLLessEqualA function object for comparing objects
OLListA doubly linked list
OLListIteratorAn iterator for traversing linked lists
OLLogicalAndA function object that tests whether two object are both true
OLLogicalNotA function object is true only if its argument is false
OLLogicalOrA function object that tests whether either of two object is true
OLMapA collection of key-value pairs
OLMemFunA function object that sends a given message to a given object and returns the result
OLMemFun1A function object that sends a given message and a given argument to a given object and returns the result
OLMinusA function object that subtracts the value of one object from the value of another
OLModulusCompute the remainder of division
OLMultiMapA map that allows many values to be associated with equivilent keys
OLMultipliesA function object that multiplies the value of one object by the value of another
OLMultiSetA set that allows multiple instances of objects
OLNegateA function object for reversing the sign of the value of a given object
OLNotEqualToA function object for assessing inequality
OLObjectInStreamA stream that can read objects and classes
OLObjectOutStreamA stream that is capable of writing objects and classes
OLOutStreamBase class for writing data
OLPairA pair of objects
OLPlusA function object for adding the values of two objects
OLPriorityQueueA queue that orders its elements by priority
OLQueueA first-in-first-out collection
OLRandomAccessIteratorAn iterator that provides random access
OLReverseBidiIteratorA class to reverse the behavior of a given iterator
OLReverseRandomIteratorA class to reverse the behavior of a given iterator
OLServerSocketA socket that can accept connections from clients
OLSetA set of unique objects
OLSocketAn abstract base class for sockets
OLSocketAddressAn address suitable for use with sockets
OLStackA first-in-last-out collection
< OLStreamable >A protocol for writing to streams
OLStreamableFunctorA function object that can be encoded to and decoded from an archive
OLTextA immutable piece of text
OLTextBufferA mutable buffer for manipulating text
< OLUnaryFunction >A protocol defining the message for performing the operation of a unary function object
OLUnaryNegateA unary function object that negates the action of another unary function object
OLUnixAddressAn address for Unix domain sockets
OLUnixClientSocketA client socket that communciates in the Unix domain
OLUnixServerSocketA server socket that communciates in the Unix domain
OLVectorA growable array of objects
OLZlibInStreamA stream for zlib decompression
OLZlibOutStreamA stream for zlib compression

ObjectiveLibGenerated Sun Apr 22 15:12:47 2007, © 2004-2007 Will Mason
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