
A container is an object that contains other objects and provides ways of accessing the stored objects. More...


class  OLBitSet
 A set of bits. More...
class  OLBoolVector
 A type of vector that is optimized to store an array of bits. More...
class  OLDeque
 A double-ended queue. More...
class  OLHashMap
 A map based on a hash table. More...
class  OLHashMultiMap
 A hash map that allows many values to be associated with equivilant keys. More...
class  OLHashMultiSet
 A hash set that allows multiple instances of objects. More...
class  OLHashSet
 A hash table based set. More...
class  OLList
 A doubly linked list. More...
class  OLMap
 A collection of key-value pairs. More...
class  OLMultiMap
 A map that allows many values to be associated with equivilent keys. More...
class  OLMultiSet
 A set that allows multiple instances of objects. More...
class  OLPriorityQueue
 A queue that orders its elements by priority. More...
class  OLQueue
 A first-in-first-out collection. More...
class  OLSet
 A set of unique objects. More...
class  OLStack
 A first-in-last-out collection. More...
class  OLVector
 A growable array of objects. More...

Detailed Description

A container is an object that contains other objects and provides ways of accessing the stored objects.

The way that objects are stored varies from container to container, and the requirements for use should guide the user in choosing the type of container. All containers provide iterators for traversing the container and accessing its elements. Additionally, all containers assume ownership of the objects that they contain.

ObjectiveLibGenerated Sun Apr 22 15:18:05 2007, © 2004-2007 Will Mason Logo